
  • The Abra Codex.” Enculturation 29: Critical Making and Executable Kits. Helen J. Burgess and Roger Whitson, Eds. November, 2019.
  • “Between Page and Screen.” #WomenTechLit. Ed. María Mencia (West Virginia: West Virginia University Press, 2017), pp. 165–176.
  • Deleting the Deletionists.” MediaCommons Field Guide. November, 2017.
  • Abra: The Kinetic Page.” Video Essay. Bellingham Review 73. November, 2016.
  • “Abra: Expanding Artists’ Books Into the Digital Realm.” Gramma Journal of Theory and Criticism 23 (2016).
  • “Opening a Worl in the World Wide Web: The Aesthetics and Poetics of Deletionism.” Media-N 11.1, Special Issue: The Aesthetics of Erasure,” Paul Benzon and Sarah Sweeney, Eds. (Spring 2015).
  • “Towards an Auto-Destructive Poetics.” The Force of What’s Possible: Writers on Accessibility & The Avant-Garde. Lily Hoang and Joshua Marie Wilkinson, Eds. (Nightboat Books, 2015).
  • “Afterword,” Sixty Morning Talks by Andy Fitch. Ugly Duckling Presse, 2014.
  • “Artists’ Books in the Age of Digital Publishing.” Commentary, Jacket2 (August – December 2013).
  • Los Libros Como Interfaz,” Presentation translated and read by Gabriela Jauregui. An invited talk at Feria Internacional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil 2012.
  • “Electrifying Literature,” from the panel “Futures of Electronic Literature” at the 2012 Electronic Literature Organization Conference. Electronic Book Review.
  • Rebooking the Mix.” Guest Post,, April 2012.
  • “Between Page and Screen: Digital, Visual, and Material Poetics.” MIT Comparative media Studies Colloquium (April 2011).
  • “The Upright Script: Words in Space and on the Page.” Journal of Electronic Publishing, special issue, Digital Poetry (2011).
  • “Transverting the Bestiary: Translating Paul Braffort’s Mes Hypertropes.” With Gabriela Jauregui. Aufgabe 10 (2011): 262-265.
  • “‘There Have Been Pictures Here’: Spirit Photography and Projective Mediumship in H.D.’s Tribute to Freud.” Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 10.2 (2010), special issue, H.D. and the Archaeology of Religion: 65-82.
  • “‘Ma belle machine à écrire:’ Poet and Typewriter in the work of Blaise Cendrars.” Writing Technologies 2.1 (2008): n. pag. (24 pages).